- Get 40 hours for a Weekly trial.
- Start and stop anytime as per your convenience.
- No commitment to renew or extend the contract.
- Advance payment starting UK£ 480 per week.
- Get minimum 168 hours per month.
- A full calendar month dedicated for you.
- No commitment to renew or extend the contract.
- Advance payment starting UK£ 1350 per month.
- Get fixed 50 or 100 hours pack valid for 6 months.
- Start and stop anytime as per your convenience.
- Use hours a you have tasks for the programmer.
- Advance payment of UK£ 550 or UK£ 950.
Hire PHP Programmer
Website Developers UK is a professionally managed Website Design and Web development company in UK. We have a team of developers and designers from whom you can Hire Expert PHP Programmers or PHP Developers for your project on a full time or a part time basis.
Our pricing starts at UK£ 8 per hour and there is no need for a long term or fixed term contracts. You can choose from three easy options that suits you the best and start immediately.
Our PHP developers are trained and experienced. We will also allocate Dedicated Project Managers on every Project for the convenience of Project/Task review, This will help in ease of communication and continuity if you have more tasks later and need to hire us again in the future.
We understand your business goals and suggest the most fitting technologies for your business website.FrameWorks
Open Source frameworks offers strong platform for highest level of performance and growth.
- CakePHP
- Laravel
- ZendFramework 2.0
- Code Igniter
Your online store must connect to your audience and must be easy to use. Buying and Searching products must be intuitive.
- Magento
- OpenCart
- WooCommerce
- Shopify
- Presta Cart
we will integrate top CMS of your choice as your business demands and leverage of their strengths to build upon them.
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Custom Code
We understand performance glitches and security concerns writing SQL queries and statements.
- PostGREs
API Integrations
There are so many options to choose from. There are so many partner features you may need.
- Payment systems and Merchant accounts
- Google APIs
- Delivery and Logistics partners APIs
- Tax calculation and
- Multi-lingual support
- CRM and Other plugins
Why WDI ?
- Excellent track record of over 17 Years
- Regularly awarded and reviewed as a top service provider
- A large team with vast experience on all major technologies
- Our development processes are certified and immaculate
- Deliver good looking, high quality, secure websites and apps
- Excellent portfolio of delivered Websites and Mobile apps
- Big list of testimonies from satisfied clients globally
- Low Cost solutions to fit your budget and requirements
- Excellent clear English communication not Geek :)
- A full service development partner, you will never have to search for another technology company ever.
Our Work Process
We follow Agile SCRUM as our Project management model.
This works well for clearly documented project requirements as well as projects that
take shape as we develop and grow.
Watch a quick 2-minute video to get a clear picture of how we manage a typical project.
We are sure this will help you and will give you a clear
direction for your app idea.
Hire Dedicated PHP Developer in 5 Easy Steps
Our expert PHP developers can easily integrate with your in-house team or work as an extension of your business. Hire certified PHP developers on as-needed basis to quickly scale your team.
Inquiry Discuss your requirements of Skills, Technologies, Experience & Business requirements.
Evaluate We will shortlist resources who will best suit for your project and recommend them to you.
Select You choose a Developer from the recommended list and we are ready to start.
Pay We finalise the terms of engagement and confirm the start date for the project.
Manage You can manage your team on a daily basis, take reports & deliveries as scheduled.
Quick Contact For Hire PHP Developers
Contact our Project Delivery team today to find out how we can collaborate to deliver your business idea in the quickest possible time and within budget. We know time is money, speed to respond to client needs will be the key differentiator for success. Hence our processes are build factoring in these needs.